byValue sortable


The byValue sortable, is used to sort a specific property (or function that return a value) of a complex object or class.

To use the sortable byValue it is necessary to pass 2 parameters:


The discriminator is a function that explicitly get the value of a property of every object and uses it to sort the entire object.


The sortFn is the sortable that will then be applied to the result calculated with the discriminator, it is important that the type of sortable chosen, and the type calculated with the discriminator match

These are the recommended sortable:

But it is still possible to use all the other sortables offered by the library


Standard example

//js or ts file
import {byValue, byNumber, byString} from 'sort-es'

const arrayUnsorted = [
    {prop: "xxx", foo: 34},
    {prop: "aaa", foo: 325},
    {prop: "zzz", foo: 15},
    {prop: "ccc", foo: 340},
    {prop: "bbb", foo: 0}

//this sort by the foo property ascending
const sortedByFoo = arrayUnsorted.sort(byValue(i =>, byNumber()));
console.log(sortedByFoo); //(5) [{prop: "bbb", foo : 0}, {prop: "zzz", foo: 15}, .....];

//this sort by the prop property descending
const sortedByProp = arrayUnsorted.sort(byValue(i => i.prop, byString({desc: true})));
console.log(sortedByProp); //(5) [{prop: "zzz", foo : 15}, {prop: "xxx", foo: 34}, .....];