Typescript support


sort-es is super typescript friendly, because is written entirely in typescript.

Type checks

Using sort-es could be very useful to avoid using an incorrect sorting method, which could cause slow and incorrect sorting.

Thanks to typescript, it is possible to have at ide level a suggestion if the sortable you are using is correct, or it is necessary to use a better one


simple ts check example

//ts file
import {byString, byNumber} from 'sort-es'

const numberArray = [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1];

const incorrectSortedArray = numberArray.sort(byString());
//ts error :  Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.

const correctSortedArray = numberArray.sort(byNumber());
//ts check ok

more complex ts check example

//ts file
import {byValue, byNumber, byString} from 'sort-es'

const objsArray = [{numbProp: 2, stringProp: 'a'}, {numbProp: 3, stringProp: 'f'}];

//Incorrect sort property 
const incorrectSortedArray = objsArray.sort(byValue(i => i.numbProp, byString()));
//ts check error : Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.

//Correct sort type
const sortedArray = objsArray.sort(byValue(i => i.numbProp, byNumber()))
//ts check ok

even more complex ts check example

//ts file
import {byValues, byNumber, byString} from 'sort-es'

const objsArray = [{numbProp: 2, stringProp: 'a'}, {numbProp: 3, stringProp: 'f'}];

//Incorrect sort property 
const incorrectSortedArray = objsArray.sort(byValues([
    [x => x.numbProp, byString()], //incorrect sortable fn
    [x => x.stringProp, byString()]
//ts check error : Types of property 'numbProp' are incompatible.   
// Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.

//Correct sort type
const correctSortedArray = objsArray.sort(byValues([
    [x => x.numbProp, byNumber()],
    [x => x.stringProp, byString()]
//ts check ok