Getting started

What is sort-es

sort-es is a minimal library useful for sorting any type of array, super typescript friendly.

This library exposes a series of small functions like byNumber which, inserted inside the native method Array.prototype.sort() helps to sort the array without having to go crazy to find the best way on stackoverflow


The library is available as an npm package. To install the package, run:

npm install sort-es
# or
yarn add sort-es

Start using:

//node or es6 
import {byString} from 'sort-es'

const unsorted = ["xxx", "bbbb", "zzz", "cccc", "aaa"];
const sorted = unsorted.sort(byString());

console.log(sorted); //(5) ["aaa", "bbbb", "cccc", "xxx", "zzz"]

Use directly in the browser

<script src=''></script>
    const unsorted = ["xxx", "bbbb", "zzz", "cccc", "aaa"];
    const sorted = unsorted.sort(sort.byString());

    console.log(sorted); //(5) ["aaa", "bbbb", "cccc", "xxx", "zzz"]

//or via browser modules

<script type='module'>
    import {byString} from ''

    const unsorted = ["xxx", "bbbb", "zzz", "cccc", "aaa"];
    const sorted = unsorted.sort(byString());

    console.log(sorted); //(5) ["aaa", "bbbb", "cccc", "xxx", "zzz"]

Some mind-blowing example

sort by a single property

//js or ts file
import {byValue, byNumber, byString} from 'sort-es'

const arrayUnsorted = [
    {prop: "xxx", foo: 34},
    {prop: "aaa", foo: 325},
    {prop: "zzz", foo: 15},
    {prop: "ccc", foo: 340},
    {prop: "bbb", foo: 0}

//this sort by the foo property ascending
const sortedByFoo = arrayUnsorted.sort(byValue(i =>, byNumber()));
console.log(sortedByFoo); //(5) [{prop: "bbb", foo : 0}, {prop: "zzz", foo: 15}, .....];

//this sort by the prop property descending
const sortedByProp = arrayUnsorted.sort(byValue(i => i.prop, byString({desc: true})));
console.log(sortedByProp); //(5) [{prop: "zzz", foo : 15}, {prop: "xxx", foo: 34}, .....];

sort by a multiple property

//js or ts file
import {byNumber, byString, byValues} from "sort-es";

const objsToSort = [
    {id: 2, name: 'teresa'},
    {id: 3, name: 'roberto'},
    {id: 2, name: 'roberto'}

//i sort by THEIR NAMES and THEN by their ids
const sortedObject = objsToSort.sort(byValues([
    [(i) =>, byString()],
    [(i) =>, byNumber()]
console.log(sortedObject); //[{roberto, 2}, {roberto, 3}, {teresa, 2}];

//i sort by THEIR IDS and THEN by their names
const sortedObject2 = objsToSort.sort(byValues([
    [(i) =>, byNumber()],
    [(i) =>, byString()]
console.log(sortedObject2); //[{roberto, 2}, {teresa, 2}, {roberto, 3}];

//i sort by THEIR IDS and THEN by their names DESCENDING
const sortedObject3 = objsToSort.sort(byValues([
    [x =>, byNumber()],
    [x =>, byString({desc: true})],
console.log(sortedObject3); //[{teresa, 2}, {roberto, 2}, {roberto, 3}];

typescript types check

//ts file
import {byValue, byNumber, byString} from 'sort-es'

const objsArray = [{numbProp: 2, stringProp: 'a'}, {numbProp: 3, stringProp: 'f'}];

//Incorrect sort property 
const incorrectSortedArray = objsArray.sort(byValue(i => i.numbProp, byString()));
//ts check error : Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.

//Correct sort type
const sortedArray = objsArray.sort(byValue(i => i.numbProp, byNumber()))
//ts check ok