byValues sortable


The byValues sortable, is the sortable that allow you to sort an array of complex object by multiple properties. To use the sortable byValues it is necessary to pass 1 parameter:


//js or ts file
import {byNumber, byString, byValues} from "sort-es";

const objsToSort = [
    {id: 2, name: 'teresa'},
    {id: 3, name: 'roberto'},
    {id: 2, name: 'roberto'}

//i sort by THEIR NAMES and THEN by their ids
const sortedObject = objsToSort.sort(byValues([
    [x =>, byString()],
    [x =>, byNumber()]

console.log(sortedObject); //[{roberto, 2}, {roberto, 3}, {teresa, 2}];

//i sort by THEIR IDS and THEN by their names
const sortedObject2 = objsToSort.sort(byValues([
    [x =>, byNumber()],
    [x =>, byString()]
console.log(sortedObject2); //[{roberto, 2}, {teresa, 2}, {roberto, 3}];

//i sort by THEIR IDS and THEN by their names DESCENDING
const sortedObject3 = objsToSort.sort(byValues([
    [x =>, byNumber()],
    [x =>, byString({desc: true})]
console.log(sortedObject3); //[{teresa, 2}, {roberto, 2}, {roberto, 3}];

Example (Deprecated option)

 * The sorter allows you to declare which properties are needed to sort the array,
 * in what order, and with what sortable

//js or ts file
import {byNumber, byString, byValues} from "sort-es";

const objsToSort = [
    {id: 2, name: 'teresa'},
    {id: 3, name: 'roberto'},
    {id: 2, name: 'roberto'}

//i sort by THEIR NAMES and THEN by their ids
const sortedObject = objsToSort.sort(byValues({
    name: byString(),
    id: byNumber()
console.log(sortedObject); //[{roberto, 2}, {roberto, 3}, {teresa, 2}];

//i sort by THEIR IDS and THEN by their names
const sortedObject2 = objsToSort.sort(byValues({
    id: byNumber(),
    name: byString(),
console.log(sortedObject2); //[{roberto, 2}, {teresa, 2}, {roberto, 3}];

//i sort by THEIR IDS and THEN by their names DESCENDING
const sortedObject3 = objsToSort.sort(byValues({
    id: byNumber(),
    name: byString({desc: true}),
console.log(sortedObject3); //[{teresa, 2}, {roberto, 2}, {roberto, 3}];